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Abilis DEP (OFAC)

Launch of a new campaign to promote the Abilis e-health platform and Abilis EPR (Electronic Patient Record)

The project

WIDE was entrusted with creating the new campaign 'ça va bien mieux' ("everything's much better") for the Abilis EPR app proposed by OFAC (the professional Swiss pharmacists’ association).

Overall Abilis brand repositioning (identity, baseline and storytelling). The launch of the Abilis health platform as well as the coordination of a national, multichannel, multilingual communication campaign.

Our role
  • Advice
  • Creative concept
  • Storytelling
  • Social Media
  • Production

10 years ago, OFAC created the Abilis brand to make it easier to share pharmaceutical records between patients and pharmacists. Since then, the health platform has been continuously enhanced to best meet the needs of its different targets (patients, healthcare professionals and pharmacists). 

At a time when Swiss citizens are asked to choose an EPR platform, it's vital to establish Abilis as the leading go-to healthcare partner…

Following a relaunch of Abilis in 2020 that fell somewhat short of expectations, OFAC now wishes to return centerstage by establishing a distinctive position along with novel, related features and a far-reaching communication campaign.

Hombre sonriente

Stand out and engage patients, simplify the Abilis message to make it absolutely clear and understandable… these visibility, awareness and transformation challenges are key to making this relaunch a success. This is why we wanted to focus on what makes Abilis a one-of-a-kind, human-centered brand.

Above and beyond being a platform created in Switzerland, Abilis is a network of committed professionals, of community experts and a direct link to patients' pharmacies… It's this unique spirit that enables us to assert a distinctive position today: empathy. 

If we look beyond knowledge and expertise, which are must-have ingredients when it comes to health, empathy is the factor that makes all the difference. But, due to a lack of time and means, it's also the factor that's most often forgotten… It's up to us to boost this sound base to develop Abilis' new existence.

Creative concept

Empathy means assuming a caring attitude, accessible language, understanding a patient's needs when we talk with them… and, it also and above all means helping the patient move forward on the path to recovery, healing and optimism.

Through this slogan "ça va bien mieux" ("everything's much better"), Abilis makes a positive, light-hearted, easy-to-understand brand / product pledge, inspired by the spoken word.

A slogan that strikes a chord and that ensures we can base our campaign on real consumer insights, scenes from everyday life, anecdotes and accounts… and be totally in touch with reality.

Campaña de carteles mujer sonriente en piscina "ça va bien mieux

A nationwide, multichannel, multilingual communication campaign (FR, IT, DE-CH) including: 

  • TV film (20 seconds), 
  • Press announcements
  • Social media
  • Digital banners
  • Press relations

To ensure this major campaign is successful, we've adopted a 2-step dissemination strategy: 
Round 1: from October 2022 to December 2022, 
Round 2: from March 2023 to June 2023.

Declinación de los visuales y reclamo de campaña en 3 idiomas


360° Swiss nationwide campaign

3 languages

3 weeks to produce more than 200 variations

40 videos

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